Thank you to all my loyal customers and followers. This site is no longer a venue where I offer inventory, yet feel free to use it as a marketplace to sell or trade AUTHENTIC handbags. I do not guarantee authenticity of any bag posted unless the seller contacts me for a certificate of authenticity. (Cost $30 USD to authenticate.) Please feel free to use this as a forum to discuss relevant topics among one another. NO LINKS TO UNAPPROVED SITES WILL BE ALLOWED.
I started this to help people learn how to authenticate celine bags, figure out how find the most sought-after bags, and allow people to discuss buying, trading and selling. I have included photo libraries of more than 150 bags I have photographed IRL, resources on where to learn more about styles, official names, colors, and leather types of Mini Luggages, Micro Luggages, Nano Luggages, Phantoms, Tie Bags and all other designs.
The resources and photos will be updated soon, and I will begin posting breaking news on which stores have bags in stock along with SA Co tact information.
Thanks again to all!